Conclusion with Data

The textual, qualitative data gathered in my studio has been processed through a technique known as sentiment analysis which uses the individual words and phrases in language to determine if the emotion in a certain text is negative, positive, or neutral. If the simulated traumatic experience of being trapped in a jar can break the human’s spirit, than the results will display an overall negative emotional outcome, the little person has failed, and there is no real hope for humankind. If, however, this little soul is able to conquer the simulated trauma with an overall positive, or even neutral emotional outcome, than the conclusion will be that the little person has passed, and there is hope for humanity!
The same data will then be processed again by additional software that isolates the most potent and important ideas for each day of the experiment in order to produce descriptive word clouds (as seen above) that will overlap imagery from the same day of the experiment. The words will essentially describe the pictures. Since I am, in actuality, a trained visual artist and not what you might consider to be a “practicing,” “professional,” or “sane” scientist, I will be presenting my findings and conclusions as visual compositions comprised of both image and text, each one being accompanied by a brief summary.

9 Days in a Jar, a controversial experiment conducted in my studio to test, and therefore understand the strength of the human spirit, has been a tremendous success! Despite coming under attack by several so-called humanitarian individuals and organizations, I am very proud and happy to release this pertinent textual and visual data report. Even the bitter refusal by the disloyal subject (the person in the jar) to provide an interview or further testing, who has in fact signed an exclusive contract for an undisclosed amount of money with a media agency called “Little Crazy People TONIGHT,” has not been able to stop the release of this vital and gripping information about the human condition.

Day one (left) was deemed negative by the software, the bulk of the focus is on the “person” in the “jar,” which is indicated by the size and mass of the words. The word “another” refers to the other person who is secondary, but obviously still a very potent concept in this experience.
The words “person” and “jar” are still the focus on day 2 (right), which the software has deemed to be neutral. Secondary focus is on multiple concepts including “manna,” “wire,” being “free,” and finding an “end.”

On day 3 (left) our subject experienced its first emotional break down. The software deemed the day as negative, and the word cloud appears scattered, chaotic as if flipped into motion.
Day 4 (right) started out with “laughter,” a prominent word in the cloud, but quickly turned to more serious notions like to “die” and the “night,” therefore the neutral analysis generated by the computer seems to be accurate for this particular day.

On this day, (day 5 on the left) the subject lost grip with reality. Notice how the word “pigeon” has become as prominent as the words “jar” and “person.” The placement and color of the words are equally as disoriented and the computer has determined this to be a negative day.
Suffering still evident on day 6 (right), the computer deemed it as negative. Notice the word “tortured” on the individual’s head, and the idea of being a “soul” “one” “world” “away.” At two thirds of the way through the experiment there has yet to be a single positive day.

On day 7 (left) we see the first appearance of a primary positive word! “Hopeful” is swollen bigger than any other word, including supporting words like “person,” “jar,” and “experiment.” The computer deemed this to be the first positive day of the experiment.
On day 8 (right) the little person was barely grasping onto consciousness, and despite the strength of words like “alive” and “life” the word “little” dominates and the computer has deemed the day to be negative.

On the 9th and final day (left) a team of rescuers came and pulled the person out of the jar, words like “alive” “thank,” and “love” were contributors in the computer calling this a positive day.
When I put the entire batch of data from the whole experience starting with day 1 all the way through day 9, the computer deemed it as an overall positive experience. You might notice that on the title image, which includes all of the qulaitative data from the entire experient, the emphasis in the word cloud is on the “person,” which is far outside of the “jar” and all the other words associated with life in the jar.
FINAL RESULTS: According to my findings, what was perceived by some as a cruel and traumatic experiment was actually a positive experience that proved the power and strength of the human spirit trough growth and understanding. My final conclusion is that humanity is basically good, and there is hope for our species to enjoy a bright future!