This was by far the most political project I have ever done. I have always tried to steer clear of political issues, but my initial idea evolved naturally into a political video.
I chose to highlight the dichotomy of the displaced Syrian refugees and the United State's stance on letting the refugees into the country, specifically the GOP and even more specifically, what Donald Trump said in his Presidential Campaign. In the video the truth and the lies are juxtaposed and overlaid right on top of each other. The word "LIES" is used throughout to show a similar type of masking of truth.
I chose the song "Rebellion (Lies)" by Arcade Fire because it is a song about how the sometimes the things that we are told are not the whole truth. This is told through the perspective of a kid who doesn't believe his parents that he needs to sleep every night. So, a song about not getting the whole truth while truth and lies are in the same image is essentially a further masking of what the "Truth" is.
All of this "masking" was used for the intent of demonstrating how exhausting it can be to decipher the truth from the lies. The end of the song with the sunset is a sort of giving in to the exhaustion of the pursuit of truth. But, after the song ends, the clip from The Liturgists podcast with the stars and the eventual sunrise is intended to show that complacency and passivity is not the answer. When we actively accept that sometimes we do not have the full truth, only then can we move towards a capital T "Truth."
Here is the video:
Here are a few screenshots from the video: