For this project I actually stuck with my original idea, of history repeating itself. I enjoyed how the piece itself came out and I am excited to try and build this idea further and perfect it. The performance itself could have been better, I originally wanted it to be hanging and me sitting at a table, drinking coffee and reading the paper. However did not realize how tilted the projector needed to be for this to come to life. I put in white index cards for the projections to show up, almost like pictures, that I could easily map with MadMapper to exact measurements. However, I really liked the critique of not using the white index cards and just projecting straight onto the page and even highlighting certain words to tell a new and different story, and make new meaning from a paper that I noticed and decided to pick out. I got all of my decade videos off of youtube, but at the end of each decade I added my own animation into it. I had my friend make a simple gesture of taking off sunglasses and then I rotoscoped and animated the movements to fit with each decade. I changed his hair, clothes, sunglasses and face to fit each decade. My idea was how most people focus on material items from the decades rather than the history itself. I put the animation of my friend on top of a picture that is usually really sad and important history that had happened and thats what people should be paying attention too.