For this assignment I really wanted to make something physical that someone can pick up and take with them and hold onto. So with that in mind I decided that I am going to make this sort of pieced together zine that is going to be about all of my film scans and also prints that I will scan in from my time living in the Grove. I am inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement in regards to the art style of the zine, but instead of talking about political means I really want to have a sentimental piece about my time living in the Grove because I am going to be moving away from Colorado in two months and I want to have something to remember and something to give away for others to remember. I will be go through the typical Xeroxing of analog pieces and bring them into a digital space and altering them and then printing them out to be physical again and if need be then scanning that to get the aesthetic I want to have for this piece.