An example of a cool surrealist photomontage form the web.
For this project, I want to make a digital/analog photomontage. Traditionally, photomontages are made by cutting up photo prints and reassembling them into new images. However, I could mix in 21st century techniques like photoshop, and scanning. The analog portion of the project would come from DSLR photography, cutting and pasting with colored paper and photos. I haven't decide if the final assembly will be digital or analog. I could create a physical object or I could build, say, a website that allows for some interaction with the montage. Or perhaps even a set of animated gifs? I'm pretty sure I want to take a surrealist approach to this project because I think that would be most interesting.

A sampling of some of the photos I already have stored on my computer. I could use this library to find source images.

This image I made earlier this week when experimenting with double exposure. This is another technique that could play a role in the project.

This is an example I found on the web that I like. The mix of geometric shapes and photos is cool.

Abstraction and typography are also cool. Stencils could be an interesting analog technique.