For this project, I think I want to take another crack at generative art. I've been watching and coding tutorials by Daniel Shiffman on Processing and p5.js to get some ideas going. The ones I've been most drawn to are the ones that use some established mathematical relationships to visualize a natural phenomenon.
I did one based on a phyllotaxis pattern (think seeds in a sunflower)

I did one based on fractal trees (the link is for a side project that uses the same thing)

But my favorite has been the one on 2D perlin noise (random, but looks nice)

I love watching the lines draw themselves over time. I think this would be very fun to watch on a large display over a long period of time. However, I think this could certainly be pushed further. All I have is what the tutorial showed me with some minor additions on my part. I need to think about how this could be changed to be more interesting or how to display this in a very interesting way. Maybe there is a way to make it interactive too?
The Tutorials I Used